Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting fresh

Its a new year!!! I decided to take up this blogging thing again. Perhaps there is someone out there who might want to read whats on my mind. :)
This was originally going to be a blog strictly about kids etc, when I first signed up (over a year ago) Its going to just be a various subject blog though... whatevers going on, Ill put on here.
Today is January first, so the start of a new year... people usually make resolutions at new years but Ive always felt it was kind of dumb, because if you want to change something, why not change it whenever??? Ive already been working at losing weigh, doing weight watchers and working out etc since September, so I guess I can say Ill continue that??? I would like to get my flubber butt into my big box of "skinnier" summer clothes by summer, so I have my work cut out for me.

Ive been working out with the Chalean extreme video set, which is heavy weight lifting. Its really awesome! Ive always wanted to have sculpted muscles so Im holding onto hope that under all my fat Im developing some LMAO!
I am shocked at how weak some women are though... seriously 3 lb weights?? HAHHAA I could lift those with my toe ;) hehehee!!! I need to save my pennies up for the selectech adjustable dumbbells, because otherwise Ill be shelling out money left and right to buy heavier weights, which might I add are ridiculously expensive! $42 bucks for a set of 2 dumbbells? no thanks!!!

All this weight training has been making my weight go up though (added in with all the crap I ate over the holidays) and thats really REALLY frustrating. I hate to feel like Im wasting my time... if I could have eaten that cookie and still weigh the same, then why did I resist it? LMAO! I know I need to just keep at it though, and eventually it will come off!
Anyways... thats my thoughts for today. :)

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