Friday, January 28, 2011

Train potty chart


Gonna give this a try... and make it strictly for poo. We had a dora chart going for every potty, but I think its time to move onto JUST POOP! lol!!! Heres hoping! Wish us luck!!!
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Poop... Glorious poop

In a perfect world, Poop would know exactly where it belongs. From the day we are born, it would carefully get itself to the toilet (without making a mess of course) but alas, it is not a perfect world, and we need to teach our children where their glorious poop belongs.

WHY OH WHY can I not do this? My first 2 got the poop thing... I never had a poop issue with them. I would read stories of these children who would wait for a diaper to be on, and then go and hide and poop, or worse yet, the children who would NOT poop for days, and become constipated, thus resulting in even more not wanting to poop... But never did I have this issue.

TILL NOW! We are 100% fully pee trained, even in public... no accidents anymore, and fully in undies and pants now. HOWEVER every freaking poop is being hatched in the undies. No matter how many times I tell him it needs to go in the potty. He will even AS he is pooping in said undies, say "poops go in the potty" then go waddling off with a log between his legs to the bathroom. One fine day he pulled his undies down and then scooped his poop up out of his undies, and placed it in the potty. How nice of him to put his poop in the potty right? AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! That led to some crazy hand washing, and explaining that mommy needs to clean up the poop.

So anyways... on we trudge through this land of poopie undies, in hopes that one day he will get it. Think Im going to have to get some better bribes to give him when he poops in the potty. *sigh*

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The joys of potty training (or lack there of)

Ok so you would think my third time at this, it would be a piece of cake, but um NO! Apparently my child has other plans for me. Yes he is younger than my other two were, Ben was just under 3, and Olivia was 2 1/2... Jacoby is ranking in at 27 months right now. HOWEVER he has been in cloth since he was 3 months old (and they say cloth babies train earlier?) and he has been TOTALLY acting ready, and wanting to do it.

So we started about a week and a half ago... stripped naked, with a potty in each bathroom. I printed out the dora potty chart, and bought M&m's. 3 m&ms for each pee, and picking from the infamous "poop bucket" when you poop. YES the bucket has had that name since Ben potty trained, and its just our candy bucket... after halloween the kids ask if they can have a candy from the "poop bucket" LMAO! Thats just what its called lol!

Anyways... things were off to a great start, we went and picked out undies, and every pee was getting put in the potty... poops were a bit more rough. The first day he went in on his own and did it, no prodding etc. The 2 following days they were in training pants either while we were out, or at nap... then the day after that they were in a heaping mound on my floor after he sat on the potty for 20 mins telling me he didnt need to poop.

The day after was the same thing... up from nap he had a tiny poop in his trainer, so I put him on the potty to get his big poop out, and he sat there for an hour and a half not pooping. Thankfully he didnt get off the potty and immediately poop on the floor that day, it took an hour to get the heaping mound on the floor. *sigh*

So fast forward a few days, and a few poops on the potty and a few on the floor, ALL the pee's were going in the potty till 2 days ago when I decided to try undies... Now mind you, with my oldest he was naked for maybe 3-4 days before I was able to put undies on him, so far at this point Jacoby had been a week in.
Anyways... He peed in his undies every time I put them on in, even flooding the high chair like a waterfall after dinner that night... so I was quite mad and yelled and spanked him.

SO... the next day, he was naked again and PEED AND POOPED all over the house all day long! Obviously I did a BIG uh oh by yelling and spanking him!!! But seriously? peeing and pooping all over the house is NOT ok, and he thinks its funny... he pees and says "LOOK at all that pee" and then laughs. Or after he poops its "look at that big poop". Yesterday he even stepped on his poop and tracked it around the floor a bit. I spent SO much time cleaning the floor yesterday. So by last night I was quite frustrated and as I was making dinner, him standing on the stool next to me, once again peeing ALL over and just watching it, I once again snapped. Hollaring and spanking. :(

HOWEVER I thought I had turned it around by being so happy and giving hugs and kisses when he pee'd on the potty after daddy got home... I was so "happy" and gave positive attention etc... but then this am he was saying he didnt want to potty... so now we have a power struggle. :(

Im not sure what to do at this point... do I just ignore the accidents at this point, and just keep being positive, if he pottys hug and kiss, if its on the floor just clean it and calmly say "this goes in the potty"

Im pretty sure overreacting is causing a power struggle with my oh so stubborn son, so I dont think that punishing for potty on the floor is a good idea... but how do I NOT act like its bad to take a big giant crap on my floor??? *sigh*

Editing to add, he seems to be doing Ok now... he has gone in 3 times and pee'd... on his way in he is saying "dont pee on the floor, pee pee's go in the potty" and he is really happy to get a hug and kiss from me. So maybe changing to positive reinforcement will "fix" it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Frustrations are looming in

ROT RO!!! Im hitting that point!! You know, the one where you are working your ass off, and nothing is changing, and you are about to give up??? Yeah Im getting to that one. Once again feeling like IM wasting my time working out and doing WW, because Im NOT LOSING at all. not even inches. My clothes feel the exact same as they did when I started doing all this working out... and Ive gained 5 lbs? WTF is that??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH I cannot give up!!! I need to somehow remind myself that its still GOOD to be doing this... at least Im not getting fatter??

Monday, January 3, 2011

weight lifting is a slippery slope

So I really have no clue what I need to be doing differently, or if this is just a normal part of weight lifting, but MAN Im frustrated.
I started doing CHX (chalean extreme) 3 weeks ago, and IMMEDIATELY shot up 5 lbs when I started... I also am doing WW (weight watchers) and have been following it perfectly the past 2 weeks... HOWEVER I cannot get the 5 lbs off. Im so bummed and frustrated!
I know that weight training causes your muscles to hold onto water, and swell and all that, but seriously how long does that go on? I am SO ready for it to turn the corner and have weight start falling off now. Funny thing is I dont FEEL thinner yet either. I know that Im developing muscle, cause I can feel it, and I would imagine that Im losing some inches etc (havent checked yet) but my clothes arent really fitting any better.
Though soemtimes my pants seem to shrink along with me a few pants sizes LOL!

I guess this is the type of situation where it would be nice to have a personal trainer to tell me its NORMAL, and OK for this to be happening, and to keep on going cause it will come off eventually. Its just SO discouraging!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting fresh

Its a new year!!! I decided to take up this blogging thing again. Perhaps there is someone out there who might want to read whats on my mind. :)
This was originally going to be a blog strictly about kids etc, when I first signed up (over a year ago) Its going to just be a various subject blog though... whatevers going on, Ill put on here.
Today is January first, so the start of a new year... people usually make resolutions at new years but Ive always felt it was kind of dumb, because if you want to change something, why not change it whenever??? Ive already been working at losing weigh, doing weight watchers and working out etc since September, so I guess I can say Ill continue that??? I would like to get my flubber butt into my big box of "skinnier" summer clothes by summer, so I have my work cut out for me.

Ive been working out with the Chalean extreme video set, which is heavy weight lifting. Its really awesome! Ive always wanted to have sculpted muscles so Im holding onto hope that under all my fat Im developing some LMAO!
I am shocked at how weak some women are though... seriously 3 lb weights?? HAHHAA I could lift those with my toe ;) hehehee!!! I need to save my pennies up for the selectech adjustable dumbbells, because otherwise Ill be shelling out money left and right to buy heavier weights, which might I add are ridiculously expensive! $42 bucks for a set of 2 dumbbells? no thanks!!!

All this weight training has been making my weight go up though (added in with all the crap I ate over the holidays) and thats really REALLY frustrating. I hate to feel like Im wasting my time... if I could have eaten that cookie and still weigh the same, then why did I resist it? LMAO! I know I need to just keep at it though, and eventually it will come off!
Anyways... thats my thoughts for today. :)