Friday, January 28, 2011

Poop... Glorious poop

In a perfect world, Poop would know exactly where it belongs. From the day we are born, it would carefully get itself to the toilet (without making a mess of course) but alas, it is not a perfect world, and we need to teach our children where their glorious poop belongs.

WHY OH WHY can I not do this? My first 2 got the poop thing... I never had a poop issue with them. I would read stories of these children who would wait for a diaper to be on, and then go and hide and poop, or worse yet, the children who would NOT poop for days, and become constipated, thus resulting in even more not wanting to poop... But never did I have this issue.

TILL NOW! We are 100% fully pee trained, even in public... no accidents anymore, and fully in undies and pants now. HOWEVER every freaking poop is being hatched in the undies. No matter how many times I tell him it needs to go in the potty. He will even AS he is pooping in said undies, say "poops go in the potty" then go waddling off with a log between his legs to the bathroom. One fine day he pulled his undies down and then scooped his poop up out of his undies, and placed it in the potty. How nice of him to put his poop in the potty right? AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! That led to some crazy hand washing, and explaining that mommy needs to clean up the poop.

So anyways... on we trudge through this land of poopie undies, in hopes that one day he will get it. Think Im going to have to get some better bribes to give him when he poops in the potty. *sigh*

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