Monday, January 3, 2011

weight lifting is a slippery slope

So I really have no clue what I need to be doing differently, or if this is just a normal part of weight lifting, but MAN Im frustrated.
I started doing CHX (chalean extreme) 3 weeks ago, and IMMEDIATELY shot up 5 lbs when I started... I also am doing WW (weight watchers) and have been following it perfectly the past 2 weeks... HOWEVER I cannot get the 5 lbs off. Im so bummed and frustrated!
I know that weight training causes your muscles to hold onto water, and swell and all that, but seriously how long does that go on? I am SO ready for it to turn the corner and have weight start falling off now. Funny thing is I dont FEEL thinner yet either. I know that Im developing muscle, cause I can feel it, and I would imagine that Im losing some inches etc (havent checked yet) but my clothes arent really fitting any better.
Though soemtimes my pants seem to shrink along with me a few pants sizes LOL!

I guess this is the type of situation where it would be nice to have a personal trainer to tell me its NORMAL, and OK for this to be happening, and to keep on going cause it will come off eventually. Its just SO discouraging!

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