Friday, November 18, 2011

Hashimotos sucks

So Ive been doing some research on hashimotos thyroiditus, which I was diagnosed with about 2 years ago. The trouble Im having losing weight has led me to googling and googling and IM NOT happy with what Im finding. :(
It appears that people wish hashis struggle and struggle and do everything right, but cant lose weight no matter what they do??
Also Im kind of scared with the things im reading about how its an autoimmune disease and Im more susceptible to all these other diseases and problems.

there are so many foods, and supplements etc that are suggested, but its SO MUCH I cant even keep it all straight. Crazy overwhelming.

So many symptoms that I have, and apparently will always have, because there is no cure for this disease. :(

Im assuming at this point I just keep plugging along and hope to become a "fit fatty" with my workouts and eating. If I cant lose weight, at least I can tone up right?? *sigh

Some of the symptoms and signs of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis include:

Fatigue & Exhaustion
Unexplained Weight Gain
Anxiety & Depression
High Blood Pressure
Periods of Sweating, Weight Loss, and Irritability
Muscle Spasms
Sore Throat
Infertility in Women
Dry Skin
Intolerance to Cold
Swelling in the Front of the Neck
Trouble Swallowing food or liquids
Tender and stiff muscles

1 comment:

  1. Judy has hashimotos also. Hair loss is another symptom you can have. She will lose a large patch and when it grows back it will have no pigment.
